Category: Arts & Designs

  • How to Create your Own Customized Favicon using Photoshop

    How to Create your Own Customized Favicon using Photoshop

    A favicon or also known as “Favorites Icon” is a small graphic that is associated with a web page or a whole website. Sometimes favicon is also known as a shortcut icon, website icon, URL icon or a bookmark icon. It is normally sized at 16×16, 32×32 or 64×64 pixel square icon. Most site favicons…

  • 3 Steps Free Font Converter

    3 Steps Free Font Converter

    The Free Font Converter allows you to quickly convert between many font formats without the hassle of installing any software on your computer. It works in different operating system; Windows, Mac and Linux. It converts all common font formats including TrueType (.ttf), OpenType (.oft) and PostScript (.ps). FFC can also convert many of the less…

  • Fundamentals of a WordPress Theme: Graphic Explanation

    Fundamentals of a WordPress Theme: Graphic Explanation

    WordPress is getting more popular each day but also many people didn’t know how WordPress works in the inside and in this post you’ll see how easy a WordPress theme works. So for bloggers or for anyone who wants to design there own WordPress theme but have no idea how to basically start or don’t…

  • A new way of creating websites for iPad

    A new way of creating websites for iPad

    With the launch of iPad, website developers are now facing a number of complex problems that are intimately associated with the layout of a website. However, you need to have a fair level of authority on CSS if you wish to ride past these trivial issues easily. This is the reason why not every experienced…

  • Clients from the Weirderness – A collection of client funny weird stories from Designers

    Clients from the Weirderness – A collection of client funny weird stories from Designers

    Client: ”Can you make the ‘About Us’ link say ‘About Us – Everyone welcome’?” Me: “Sure, but…why?” Client: ”I’m afraid people might not know they’re allowed to click that link. They might think it’s private. We need them to know it’s okay for them to go there.” Me: ”But none of the links on your…

  • CSS 2 & 3 Cheat Sheets – Making Designer’s Life Easy

    CSS 2 & 3 Cheat Sheets – Making Designer’s Life Easy

    For Web Designers & some Developers, having a Cheat Sheet a really big help and what we have here is a very good-looking and easy to navigate CSS Cheat Sheet. You can print it and put it on you wall JPG & PDF formats are available for download.

  • An All-in-One Media Player that can play HTML5, YouTube, Vimeo and Flash Media

    An All-in-One Media Player that can play HTML5, YouTube, Vimeo and Flash Media

    Here’s an Open Source (GPLv3) All-in-One Media Player that is written in jQuery and can deliver ANY TYPE of Web Media. It can play HTML5, YouTube and Vimeo Videos and Flash Contents. WOW! So if you have too many different types of web media contents that you want for your user to have an access…